Welcome to another SnapInspect support document, today we will be taking you through our latest feature release, compulsory logic. You can now add conditional compulsories based on ratings in your checklist, designed to ensure efficiency and to drive your team through a specific workflow
How to set up compulsory logic
Firstly enter the checklist control type section by clicking any pencil on the right side of an area or item. Then, select + and add one of the three rating control types squared in red in the image below.
Following this, add in your desired ratings and any other relevant control types for your checklist
After you have set up all the basic control types, check compulsory on each control type (other than the rating) and select conditional rating. After you have done this you will see the ratings from your first (rating) control type appear. As you can see in the image below the rating poor has been checked. This means that if the rating poor is selected during an inspection it will become compulsory to leave a comment, an inspection cannot be completed until all compulsory items have been completed. You need to set up compulsory logic for each control type separately
Thank you for reading our support doc, hopefully you found this informative and useful. We can’t wait to see you dive in and start using our incredible new feature! See you next time! If you have any additional questions or need support please contact the team at support@snapinspect.com