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Franchise Panel

How to navigate the Franchise Panel in SnapInspect

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Written by SnapInspect
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Welcome to the franchise section of SnapInspect. This support document will teach you how to navigate the franchise panel, and what each option allows you to do with your account.

Please note: Because Franchise users have access to more than one account, they will not be able to log into the mobile app using their SnapInspect franchise account login.

1. Company List

In this section, you can:

  • Add new Company

  • Edit existing Company

  • Add/Edit Users to Individual Franchisee Accounts

  • Assign Regions to Companies

Company List: How to Add New Company

a) Add New Company by selecting the "New Company" button.

b) Simply fill in the fields and select "Save."

Company List: How to edit an existing Company

​a) Click on the green "Action" next to the Company you'd like to edit and select "Info."

b) Click on the "Info". This is where you can edit the specific company information for a franchise. The following can be changed to each franchise: Name, Address, Phone, Mobile, Expire Date.

Company List: How to Assign Company to Region

a) Click the Select button to show the select column.

b) Select the Company you'd like to assign a new region to.

c) Select "Action" then "Add to Region".

d) Choose the desired region from the dropdown menu, and select "Save" (If the region is not available, you must add it first. Follow this article to find out how).


Info Tab

Here you'll see the general details of the selected Franchise account

Users Tab

Clicking on the "Users" option will take you to the below screen. Here you will be able to see all the information associated with each franchise's users.
​(If you need to add users to the franchise panel instead of the franchisee company, read this article to the end to learn how.)

How to Add a new User to an individual franchisee account

a) Select "New User"

b) Add the details for your new user in the new window.

How to Edit an Existing User

a) Click on "Action" and select "Edit User"

b) Update Name, Phone, Mobile, or update Permission, and select "Save".

How to Login As a User

Select "Login As" on the user you'd like to log in as and navigate through the user's account according to their permissions.

​How to Reset User Password

Select "Reset Password" and follow the prompts.

Assets Tab

Here, you can view all of the assets within the selected account and view their inspection reports. You can search the entirety of each franchise company's asset list, with the option to use two search filters: Inspection "Managed by", and/or keyword.

Assets Tab: How to View Inspection Information for a certain asset

a) Select "Action" and "View Reports."

This will take you to a new window where you'll see the Inspection information for the selected Dsset, such as Inspection Type, Inspection Date, Inspector, Actions, and Inspection Status.

​Assets Tab: How to Download Inspection Reports

a) Select "Action" and select the preferred download format.

Inspections Tab

Here you can view all of the Inspections completed for selected franchise accounts.

Inspections Tab: How to View/Download Inspection Reports

a) Select "Action" and select the preferred download format.

2. Regions

The Regions tab in the Navigation Menu allows you to filter by Region and view only information associated with the selected region.

Regions Tab: How to View Information for Selected Regions

a) Select "Action" and access Info, Users, Assets, and Inspections for the selected inspection.


3. Region Management

Here, you can view members, add new regions, and edit existing regions.

Region Management Tab: How to Edit Region Information

a) Select "Action" then update the necessary fields. You can edit the Name and Description, and add or remove Members from your region. Select "Save" once complete.

Region Management: Add New Region

a) Select "New Region"

b) Add the required fields for the new region and select "Save"

SnapInspect has also added a "Back to Admin" option that allows you to swap between user accounts and companies seamlessly.

Located in the top left corner, clicking on the "back to admin" button will take you back to the initial franchise option display.

4. Users

In the Users Tab, you can view, add, and edit all of the Franchise Panel users within your main account.

Users Tab: How to add a new Franchise Panel User

a) Select "New User"
b) Add the details
c) Select "Save"

b) Add the new user's details and select "Save"

Users Tab: How to edit an existing Franchise Panel User's information

a) Select "Action" for the user you'd like to edit

b) Select "Edit User"
c) Update the details
d) Select "Save"


5. Insights Dashboard

View the data that you need in real-time as high-level interactive charts, graphs, or tables.
​Example 1: Project Management

Example 2: Inspection Tracking

If you'd like to discuss or configure your Insights Dashboard, reach out to a member of our support team.

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