Quick tasks on SnapInspect allow you to have tasks automatically created based on a specific rating being selected during an inspection. In this guide, we will be showing you how to set this up!
Where do I Set Up Quick Tasks
Navigate to the Company Settings section
Select Settings and then General Settings and scroll down to Asset & Task
How to Set Up Quick Tasks
Check the box next to 'Create Quick Task'
Select 'View/Edit' beside the Task Category
Select 'Add New' and create a category based on a rating in your checklist
Please Note: For a Quick Task to be created there needs to be a task category that matches a Single or Multiple check rating within your checklist
Please Note: If you check 'Web Share Complete' and assign a completion status, stakeholders will be able to complete a task from the web share link they receive when sent a task
After you’ve completed this, your quick tasks will be set up. When conducting an inspection and you choose a rating like 'poor' (for this example), a corresponding task will automatically be generated for that specific item and area. This task will be visible on the Web App as soon as the inspection is uploaded.