Additional Asset Info is information that you want or needs to be recorded that isn't setup yet. For instance, you can have the Rent Amount, The WiFi Password, Bond Amount and much more depend on what industry you are in.
To Enable and setup the Additional Asset Info, you will need to be logged into the Company Admin account on the WebApp. Once you have logged in, you will see more options and more access to what you can do.
On the left-hand side, you will be presented with a new tab called "Company Settings" this is only given to the company admin account. Once you click on this tab you will be presented with the above image/options.
You will need to click on the 2nd "Company Settings" tab which will provide you with "Advanced permission control" this is what we call Additional Asset Info. Please ensure that this is enabled and is showing as "ON."
Once you have enabled this, you then can type in what you would like as your additional info, when you type into what you need or want, hit the blue disk icon which will save that line. Β
In the above photo is the "Assets" tab found in the WebApp. To be able to write into your now set up additional assets info, you are required to go into your assets tab and locate the asset you wish to write the info onto.
Once you have located your property, click on the green "Action" button on the right-hand side of the screen and hit "Edit Asset."
Once you have gone into Edit Asset, you will need to click on the little drop-down arrow and then click "View/Edit Asset" you will be presented with the below. Now as you recall at the start of this support document I had set up Rent Amount and Bond Amount, now this is where you would fill out that information.
This allows you to get our development team to show this additional information on the report to generate if need be