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Email & Template Tool

A beginner's guide to setting up and using SnapInspect's Email & Template feature

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Written by SnapInspect
Updated over a week ago

SnapInspect's Email & Templates tool enables you to create and send customized emails to your contacts once you have completed inspection reports, updated inspection status or updated a task status.

Before you set up auto email, you’ll want to make sure that you’ve set up an email template, if you choose not to create a template your current SnapInspect report template will be used by default.

To begin setting up your new Email template, choose an email template name and click on the blue “Add new email template” button.

Template Editor: 

Once you choose a Template name, you will be taken to our innovative email template editor. From here, you will see an familiar interface that is common with most document editors. 

Take advantage of our customization features:

-Source Code
-Bold Text
-Text Alignment
-Bullet & Numerical Points
-Insert/Edit Link
-Full-Text customization (Font, Font color & Font Size)
-Preview button
-Insert/Edit Image
-Dynamic Field (Company Logo, Download Link, Inspection Type, Address, Inspection -Date) 

Auto Email:
Auto Email enables you to send email automatically to selected recipients once the inspection has been uploaded. 

Auto Email To:
This is where you select who you want to receive the email. Separate the details with a comma, "Contact (Tenant)", "Contact (Owner)", "Inspector", "Property Manager" or enter an email address.

Choose Inspection Type:
Choose which inspection type will trigger this email. We suggest setting up a template for each inspection type to maximize efficiency.

Here is a basic example of the finished email we created for our Move-in Inspections

To set-up sending an email from our SnapInspect domain, go to the "Company Settings" tab. Next, select the "General Settings" tab located on the right-hand side of the company settings page. Next check the option "Email sent from SnapInspect" 

Once this option has been checked all emails will be sent from the address ""

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