The task feature was created to give users more control when they are carrying out inspections. Tasks are Snap Inspects version of “work orders”. They allow you to schedule actions directly to a team member, yourself, a handyman or anyone else that is relevant to the situation.
Tasks is a feature within the mobile app that allows you to dig into more detail on a specific issue. It will allow you to take additional photos, videos and leave more comments that can later be sent off directly to the right contact. Tasks are aimed to slimline your inspection process
When you have started an inspection and would like to use the Task feature simply tap on the 3 dots that are located at the top right-hand corner of each item. This is both done for Android and Apple users.
In the image below you will see the 3 dots clearly.
In the image below you will be shown what happens next when you tap on the 3 dots and options are available for you. We are focusing on the Add Task function.
If you Tap on the gray "Tasks" button to start using the feature, doing so will prompt a new window as shown below:
Tap Add New Task to allow the app to create one for this item.
Add a name for this particular Tasks, maybe something like "Door Frame is Rotten.
Finally, when you have a name sorted, you will be presented with the above image. My title is just "Testing Task", you are able to write much more in-depth about the issue at hand in the descriptions box, you can have a set Due Date for this issue to be fixed by or a time frame you are looking at getting it sorted. There are Priority levels, how urgent are the issues at hand. How could we forget, we offer video capabilities for this as well as photos this is so you can capture all the details possible.